I have never been a big believer in using kapton tape as a heated bed surface. I never saw much benefit, and whenever I used it I ended up cutting it or scratching it very easily trying to get the parts off. When I use blue tape I generally heat the bed up to 90-110. …
Author Archives: TinyEnormous
Ways i have messed up reprap prints
This is a running list of all of the ways I have broken a print. This doesn’t have anything to do with my machine calibration. That’s a whole other post in itself! -I got a snag in the filament feed which stopped extrusion. -My heated bed shorted out on a bulldog clip. -With the print …
Hardware store fix for prusa belt tensioner
On my self sourced prusa I have been going back and forth on how best to tension the belts lately. I had a zip tie hack that actually worked out fairly well, but it had a fair bit of slop in it, and I think that helped set up some vibrations and Generally keep it …
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Advice needed for Makerbot rebuild
To be honest: I posted this to the makerbot forums. I have had limited luck on those forums before so I am also posting here. I’d like to be able to get input from reprappers as well as makerbotters. I’m rebuilding a late-model cupcake for fablab Boston. It has had some parts stolen, and I’m …
Direct drive Extruder gear
I’ve been on the lookout for the same kind of gear that makergear uses on their extruder for quite a while. Not the gearhead for the motor, but the actual part that bites into the filament. I found cornwall model boats this morning, and I ordered a few from England. It appears to be a …
Boston Reprap User group meeting
I’m trying to put together a meeting of people interested in 3d printing. It’s called reprap because I think most of the people will come from there, but makerbotters and professional printers alike are more than welcome! I’ve got a post over on the reprap forums trying to get an idea of how many people …
makergear prusa z-axis fine adjustment screw detail
The makergear google doc only has a mention of this adjuster screw. I was really confused regarding what they were talking about. I finally saw it in one of renosis’s flickr pics and I decided I would take a closeup to show it in all of its glory.
weird z behavior on prusa reprap- FIXED
EDIT: over on the #reprap irc Rhys-jones and a few other helpful folks figured this out for me. Since the endstops aren’t working on my machine yet, the 0,0,0 position was based on wherever it was when it started up. I guess the x and y were similar to that same position, but the z …
gen 6 and sprinter homing issue
I’m at the point of troubleshooting where I either give up and go for a bike ride, or seek help. So I’m seeking help, and then I will go for a bike ride! I am having an issue where I can’t get the gen 6 board to properly home. I have tried to home it …
marlin, slic3r, pronterface and me
Ok. A recent move has kept me away from my prusa for a few months now. In that time all of the “cool kid” software has changed. Naturally I want to be running a similar setup with all of the new bells and whistles, so off I go. I am going to go about uploading …