Parts list (AKA why I’ve been eating ramen and coffee)

So here are the bits I’ve bought already

3 axis system kit with 425Oz/in stepper motors

Xylotex kit

12′ of 1/2″ acme rod
8 matching nuts
6 1/2″ 2 bolt pillow block bearings
8 1/2″ shaft collars

Home Depot
Tons of bolts, nuts, washers, bits and doodads.
20′ of galvanized steel u-channel (not really sure what to call this stuff)
specialized u-channel bolts, nuts and spacers
aluminum angle iron
1/2″ black pipe for x axis

lovejoy couplers for motor shaft to acme rod

As far as buying things goes, I think I might be mostly done. I can foresee buying
drawer slides for the z axis,
a trim router,
and the black piping for the y axis
I might need to buy some more skate bearings at some time…who knows…