It’s been quite a while since my router arrived in the mail. It came in mid winter and essentially stopped all cnc progress. It was much heavier than I had expected, and the gantry I had built wasn’t up to the task. The x and y axes were finished, but needed to be rebuilt stronger. The last few weeks has seen the end of summer weather and the return of my tinkering productivity. I have put in a ton of time thinking, cutting and swearing in my garage.
I have now rebuilt the x and y axes and am working on the z. I’m at a point where I might still not have a rigid enough gantry, but will soldier on until the project is fully functional in hopes that it might be able to cut version 2.0 of itself. That is one of the really interesting things about cnc – how one sloppy machine can build a nicer machine with tighter tolerances. We’ll see in time if that thought turns out to be true!

Looks great.
i’m from indonesia, can u give me detail of the diy cnc? i’m interst of it but i’m not undestand about it. please can you help me..
Did you ever finish it? I am still working on mine and landed on your site looking for ideas to see how I should mount my Z axis lead nut.
Hi Paul!
No, I sadly had to move after building this, and it was too big to come with me. I still have the electronics and have plans to reuse them at some point, though.
Good luck, I’d love to see it when you finish!