This is far from rocket science but I haven’t seen it posted so I’m going to put it here for posterity. This is how you can detect if a page is loaded in chrome with applescript. This is a subroutine, so you can put it at the end of your program and call it with this line
Ok, here’s the subroutine.
on checkForLoading()
# checks chrome to see if the frontmost tab is loaded
tell application "Google Chrome" to set chromeLoading to loading of active tab of window 1
repeat while chromeLoading = true
delay 1
tell application "Google Chrome" to set chromeLoading to loading of active tab of window 1
end repeat
end checkForLoading
If I recall correctly, wordpress messes up quotes. If this doesn’t compile then replace the quotes and try again.
Just wanted to say thank you, this solved an issue I had in record time! Greetings from Japan.
AFAIK, this does not work. I’ve tried multiple versions… Returns this error:
Error Number:Google Chrome got an error: Can’t continue checkForLoading.