Timelapse shutter speed rule of thumb explained

The widely accepted rule of thumb for shooting timelapses is that your shutter speed should be 1/2 your interval. What this means is if you are shooting one shot every 3 seconds, then your ideal exposure is 1.5 seconds. WHY? The point of shooting timelapses is to end up with video at some point, right? …

Canon 7D firmware 2.0 and 2.0.3 released

Canon released firmware v2.0.3 for the 7D recently. Go here to find it. It fixes some things broken by the 2.0 update. The 2.0 firmware enables a bunch of new features. Here is the canon site explaining everything. My favorite options are the higher burst rate, higher max iso, and the manual audio levels. Oh, …

CHDK Compatible Powershot G series cameras

G series The G series is really the jewel in the powershot line. All of the cameras from the G7 on up have metal bodies, full manual modes, and are built with dials and buttons in order to allow you to use the manual mode without going through any menus. Most of the cameras have …

How to find the firmware version of your Canon Camera

In order to install CHDK on your memory card you need to know what version of the firmware your camera is running internally. This happens to be blissfully easy due to an app called ACID. ACID stands for Automatic Camera Identifier and Downloader. It was written by Dave Mitchell and is one of three great …

How to buy a CHDK compatible camera on amazon

I LOVE CHDK. It lets you do so much cool stuff on canon powershot cameras, from shooting timelapses, to enabling RAW file options, to shooting video on cameras that never had video before. For the uninitiated, CHDK is an alternate firmware that your camera loads from the memory card. That keeps it relatively safe and …

DIY Rotary turntable

I have wanted to build a rotary turntable for quite a while. With it I can shoot 360 degree product shots, I can set the camera up on it and shoot panoramas. I can use it with my timelapse setup to put motion into a long shot. I also have an idea about trying to …